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What breed of dog can be a bad choice for first-time dog owners?

It’s not so much a specific breed as ANY dog for the first-time owner.

Toy breeds are hard to train. So many of their bad behaviors are tolerated because “it’s just so cute!” when in a larger dog you would consider the same behavior destructive or even dangerous. These dogs also live 15–18 years. Are you ready to jump into an 18-year commitment? Many people aren’t.

Large breeds: Golden retrievers and labs are so much fun! They will be great companions and terrific to take camping and hiking. They will also be extremely energetic and destructive chewers for their first 2–3 years. Border collies and other herding breeds MUST have daily outlets for their energy. German Shepherds have a ton of energy also but also need strict (not cruel) discipline. They need to be taught clearly how to behave, or they develop problem behaviors when in unfamiliar situations. Pitbulls are some of our happiest patients, and some of our scariest – they require massive socialization.

You also may be shocked at the cost just for medications for larger dogs. Bigger dog = bigger dose for most meds. A medication that may cost $25 for a poodle may be $150 for a lab. Dog food alone will cost you $50-100/month or more.

Dogs are wonderful companions. Before you get one, consider how you will provide the necessary attention and care. How will the dog pee while you are at work for 10–11 hours with commute? Who will care for your dog when you are out of town? Do you have sudden work trips that require sudden options for dog care? Can you afford the recommended preventive medical care?

Studies show the average dog costs $12,000 to $18,000 over its life. PLUS veterinary care! Add up food, treats, collars, leashes, beds, toys, replacing items they chew up, training costs, kenneling, maybe midday dog-walker, and the list goes on.

By all means, get a dog! Be prepared for the time and financial costs, be prepared for the eventual heartbreak when they pass, and build memories you will cherish all your life.

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