Contact Us

What if I can’t pay for the treatment plan you recommend?

It comes down to our recommendations vs. your ability or willingness to pay. It can be incredibly frustrating that you can’t or won’t provide what we feel your pet needs, but we don’t know your situation.

If it is a cash flow problem, we offer payment plans, such as CareCredit. These are third-party plans, and you must have sufficient credit to qualify. We are not lending experts, nor collection experts. We cannot just let you make payments to us, as that results in thousands of dollars annually in accounts we have to write off as uncollectible, driving up costs.

It breaks our hearts, but we aren't going to force you to accept our recommendations. Just be up-front with us about your reasons. Sometimes we can find solutions that are acceptable to all - payment plans, next-best treatment options, plans to provide the care in the future when you have the means. Sometimes it is as simple as that we have failed to convey to you WHY we make this recommendation, and you don’t place the same value on it as we do.

And sometimes, you just can’t, and we can’t find a solution that you can afford. We hate seeing an animal suffer, but a veterinary clinic is a business, with employees and bills to pay. You can’t just go get groceries from a store and not pay. We all go home and wish it were otherwise. We really do wish you the best with your pets.

Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Gresham Office


7:30 am-6:00 pm


7:30 am-7:00 pm


7:30 am-6:00 pm


7:30 am-6:00 pm


7:30 am-6:00 pm






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